Art Basel , December 1-3, Miami

I’ve been invited to create AI images for guests of a marketing company going to Art Basel! I’m so excited. I’m obsessed with AI imaging and all the possibilities in the liminal space of AI images.

An old acquaintance of mine runs a marketing / advertising where they change ad content on top of video real time to customize for the user. I don't know much about the technology other than they are hosting guests at Art Basel. At Art Basel they want to leverage the AI imaging wave and make AI images for their guests. They had their imaging department take a swing at AI images with lackluster results. They then saw my stream on Instagram and said he wanted those kinds of results. They reached out to see if I'd like to be involved. I was more than happy to get involved. I'm looking for ways to network and connect with folks in this nascent space. The best opportunities in my career have always arisen via networking. As such I see the Art Basel opportunity as an opportunity to network and get a feather in my cap in the AI image world. I'm not an art person by trade, but had I stayed single I probably would have been a professional photographer.

They are hosting talks about AI art at Art Basel. I'm flying out there but asking if we can have other people join in via zoom or some other method. As well as in person talks they are hosting virtual talks in the VR gallery they are putting together to display the AI images. Here is a mockup

I'm thinking of creating an instagram channel for this project myself. Several of us have started blogging

This opportunity to create images associated with Art Basel came my way at juncture in my life and feels like a blessing. I am obsessed with AI imaging and am excited about this opportunity to get involved . I love art, have tried my hand at it over and over in my life and actually became a professional photographer. It's been 10 years and I was missing photography. I tried to get back in but just didn't have the motivation with all the gear, time and computer processing it took. Then AI imaging just fell in my lap and I was like "yes, what an awesome way to explore creation!"

AI imaging has just been born and those that are here early and especially those that make name for themselves and connect with others making names for themselves will rise with the tide. It will be much harder in 6 months or a year to "break into" the AI imaging world.

I just read the book atomic habits at the same time as I started using Midjourney, and the advice in the book is just do something every day, not necessarily for long, but do it every day and over time you will make enormous progress. It's like if you improve by 1% every day :

If you get one percent better each day for one year, you'll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you're done

Below is an image generated with some of the ideas from the guest input:


place Paris

activity Exercising

era 90s

artists John Singer Sargent

character Emma Woodhouse

book Emma by Jane Austen

color red


AI and Real Connections


Photo Realism in Midjourney